Local November 16, 2015 | 11:18 am

´Don’t bloody your hands´ with abortion,´ Catholics tell high Court

Santo Domingo.- TheCatholic Church on Sunday called on the Constitutional Court not to "soiltheir hands with blood" and reject an article included in the DominicanPenal Code, which in its view aims to legalize the practice of abortion.

Santo Domingo ArchdioceseAuxiliary bishop Amancio Escap made the statement while heading a walk by thousandsof Catholics who attended the conference "One step for my family, respectinglife."

After the walk begun outsidethe of the Supreme Court headquarters at Centro de los Heroes and ended with amass in Mirador Sur park, the prelate said the Catholic church proclaims thatlife is sacred and it´s the State´s categorical imperative to defend it.

"It´s up to theConstitutional Court which has, in a privileged echelon, as guarantor of theConstitution and protection of fundamental rights in this case has the lastword on this legislation," the bishop said to the cheers of the faithfulwho gathered in the park´s Plaza Nuñez de Caceres.

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