Panama, Dominican Republic pact public safety, tourism, extradition

Santo Domingo.-President Danilo Medina and Panama counterpart Juan Carlos Varela on Wednesdaysigned agreements on public safety, tourism, legal assistance in criminalmatters and an extradition treaty.
In a National Palace ceremonyMedina lauded the historic strong ties between both countries and that´s whythey are determined to open to the world.
He said the extraditiontreaty is a mechanism against criminals who´ve evaded convictions in bothcountries.
"We have to do ourutmost to cooperate, and compete in this big stage. Our economies, oursocieties are increasingly interconnected, and huge opportunities will emergeand some risks as well," Medina said.
He said Varela hasexpressed interest in major projects developed by the Dominican government toaddress the needs of the people.
"For me it meansgreat pride as a Dominican that the president of Panama wants to see first handsome of these programs that are transforming everyday life of our country."
Medina, who spoke aftera nearly two-hour private meeting with Varela at the former´s office, said his administrationwill share with Panama its experience on the 911 system, the extended schoolday, surprise visits, the Ciudad Juan Bosch project, among others. "We´redelighted that our efforts can serve not only the Dominican people but also motorpositive change beyond our borders."
Varela: Danilo´s successesreach beyond borders
Varela called Medina aninfluential man in Dominican Republic and his successes have contributed to hiscountry´s social and economic growth, even beyond its boundaries.
He said the Dominicanpresident has achieved concrete progress in educational equality “in just a fewyears.”