Suspended judge should reveal bribes: Former Chief Justice

Santo Domingo.- Former SupremeCourt chief justice Jorge Subero on Monday said suspended National District judgeAwilda Reyes Beltre should reveal who bribed her to rule for accused offenders.
He said such situations"mortify" the citizenship, which in his view is forming a negativeperception of the system.
"I think the greatchallenge now of the judge, a girl formed at the National Judicial College,which is supposed to have the training of a judge, the temperament judge, is tosay who ordered her to act that way," Subero said.
Subero, speaking at thecelebration of the Institutionalism and Justice Foundation´s (Finjus) 25thanniversary, said he´s opposed to convening the National Judicial Council, as Justiceminister Francisco Dominguez suggests, noting that the entity has the mechanismsto prevent and punish misconduct on the bench.