Local December 18, 2015 | 1:11 pm

Minority party candidate says the corrupt must be singled out

Santo Domingo. -"Corruption has always lived with an impunity that starts by not giving ita name, that´s why it´s very important to point out the corrupt. Corruption isfought by taking the corrupt out of their posts and taking honest people there.We must take them out of Congress, municipalities, ministries and place thatresponsibility on honest citizens," Democratic Choice party presidentialcandidate Minou Tavarez Mirabal said Friday

The also independentdeputy stressed the need to put an end to corruption among public officials"who harm everyone and take advantage of what belongs to everyone.”

"This countryneeds leaders who are loved and respected, so we decided to participate in thiscontest and ask your support since the people want to see new people with newideas and new behaviors. Who dare to work for their present and their future,because if we leave it to the riffraff as it has been until now, the countrywill not improve.”

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