Local January 8, 2016 | 4:47 pm

Dominican mañana all over again

Santo Domingo.- Theyearly gauntlet procrastinators face to renew their license plate stickers waswidely present again on Friday, as the deadline to pay the fee expires atmidnight with no extension by authorities expected.

The long lines of peoplestarted forming early morning at Internal Taxes (DGII) offices and S&Ls wherethe new stickers could be bought.

Also part of the yearlyspectacle is the Metropolitan Transit Authority´s (AMET) warning that starting tomorrowit will impound vehicles which don’t have the new sticker, “in compliance with trafficlaw…”

Throngs of people who leftthe task for the last minute started gathering at DGII and other offices since6am forming long lines, which in the case of the Santo Domingo Este office at VenezuelaAv., stretched for several blocks.

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