Local January 9, 2016 | 10:33 am

Weather forecast mostly dry with cool temperatures

SantoDomingo.- Weather conditions across the country today will be dominated by anorth/northeast wind with low humidity levels, so good weather is forecast formost parts of the country, with the exception of some areas in the Central Cordilleraand the Sierra de Bahoruco where rain showers are expected. There is also achance of some strong wind gusts along the north coast.

Sundaywill be mostly unchanged, a north-north easterly wind and low chance ofrainfall. Temperatures will remain cool across much of the national territory.

TheNational Meteorological Office (ONAMET) is also reporting a low-pressure system to thenorth of Bermuda. This system has a low probability of becoming a tropical orsub-tropical cyclone over the next 24 hours.

Temperatureswill remain pleasant across almost all of the country, with a notable decrease in mountainareas this evening and tonight due to the north-north easterly wind.

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