Local January 12, 2016 | 8:19 am

Builders say government corruption also in public works

Santo Domingo.- DominicanEngineers, Architects and Surveyors Guild (CODIA) president Francisco Mosquea onTuesday criticized that many government agencies still violate the publicprocurement Law by contracting works without a call for tenders, jeopardizing constructionprofessionals.

He noted that whenDanilo Medina´s administration took office it began to comply with the law, butonly with minor constructions, leaving the major works to the previous practice."And we have trained professionals to develop these (other) projects."

In a mass in America´s Cathedralto mark CODIA´s 53rd anniversary, Mosquea also criticized themunicipalities, because “most of them break the law. He said of the majorcities, only the National District, Santo Domingo Este and San Pedro de Macorisbuild their major works on bids.

"It is true thatwe´ve improved, but we still have long to go."

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