Zika virus a ´major threat´ to Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Callingthe zika virus a major threat Public Health minister Altagracia Guzman on Tuesdayurged women to avert pregnancy on the possibility of giving birth to childrenwith neurological and microcephaly deformations.
She said part of thefirst three months of pregnancy is vital to the formation of the fetus and thedisease in that period `poses a high risk.
Guzman agrees with a Braziliandoctor who recommends that women avoid pregnancy as long as the virus ispresent.
Hundreds of cases ofchildren born with microcephaly (small head), have been reported in Brazil,where their mothers contracted zika during pregnancy.
"Every woman ofchildbearing age and sexually active must use mosquito nets because they havethe possibility of having a pregnancy if it´s not planned", the officialsaid.
Guzman also spoke ofthe need to use repellents containing methyl benzamine, amino-propionic acidand hydroxyethyl, and which the Pan American Health Organization recommends.