Local January 13, 2016 | 9:08 am

Top officials to demand stricter compliance from underlings

Santo Domingo.- SupremeCourt chief justice Mariano German and Justice minister Francisco Dominguez on Tuesdaywarned they´ll demand stricter compliance from their underlings.

German warned that membersof the judiciary would be punished if they fail to meet their obligations, violateregulations and ethical principles, whereas Dominguez said prosecutors will seekthe maximum penalty in corruption cases involving prosecutors and judges.

Dominguez said judiciaryofficials should have clear strategic goals and maintain updated and accurate information.

Among the judiciary´s specificobjectives from 2015 to 2019, Dominguez listed more and easier access tojustice; increasingly efficient service to administrate justice and provide independent,transparent and timely solutions for users and society.

German said judges and staffneed more technology and better facilities, intellectual development, trust,recognition, encouragement and incentives to increase performance. "Thejudiciary´s entities of oversight need more efficiency, since democracy withoutvigilance facilitates impudence."

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