Local January 15, 2016 | 12:27 pm

Disabled persons demand rights at the National Palace

Santo Domingo.- A groupof people with disabilities is gathered outside the National Palace Friday todemand the drafting of rules on the Law on Disabilities 05-13 and establish theirrights.

Obelis Sanchez, group spokesmenwho is blind said the law stipulates that its regulations must be implemented within30 days after enactment, but it will be three years ago tomorrow and has yet tobe enforced.

He said the lawestablishes 5% of government jobs for the disabled and 2% for the privatesector.

He said among the law´sother benefits figure that 8% of State-built housing should be for people withdisabilities.

He said their effort iscoordinated by the National Council on Disability (CONADIS) and will continuetheir struggle until the government complies with regulations so the legislationtakes effect.

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