Local January 19, 2016 | 12:09 pm

Antiriot police reinforce Dominican border guards on Haiti violence

Jimani, Dominican Republic.-Despite tension across the border as Haitians protest against runoff elections intheir country set for Sunday, calm reigns on Dominican Republic´s southernfrontier.

Nonetheless Dominican Armytroops patrol along the border and the highway linking the Haiti town of MalPasse with Jimani, where antiriot police and a truck equipped with a water cannonhave been deployed and ready to deal with potential violence from any politicalupheaval that could spill over from the neighboring country.

Listin.com.do reports normaltraffic on the Dominican side of the border, with businesses, government agenciesand schools operating normally.

On Monday the marketheld Mondays and Fridays between Haitians and Dominicans was held as usual, withno sign of the violence gripping Haiti.

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