Local January 22, 2016 | 9:46 am

Top prosecutor agrees with Catholic Church on targeting corruption

Santo Domingo.- Justiceminister Francisco Dominguez on Thursday said he agrees with the Catholic Church´sletter and stressed that it targets government corruption and crime.

He said punishment isvital is the fight against corruption, because those who steal have to go tojail.

He said the letter notesthat a person who bribes commits the same crime as the person who receives it.

Dominguez crime phenomenasuch as femicides and violence against women are contrary to what we should respect "Regardlessof any other factor, I think we have to examine ourselves within because changebegins within each of us.”

"I think thereflections of the Pastoral Letter are very important and we advance in manyways and in others I think we have many pending tasks that we have to work,such as impunity."

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