Local January 26, 2016 | 4:54 pm

´Rulings for sale´ scandal sinks Dominican judiciary: Acento

Santo Domingo.- FormerJustice minister Radhames Jimenez was included in the complaint againstjudicial officials for malfeasance, bribery and conspiracy, in the “rulings forsale” case against suspended judges Awilda Reyes and Francisco Arias.

Outlet acento.com.doreports however that the Justice Ministry has yet to question the former official,“which seems that it has focused its attention on Reyes and Arias instead,omitting the part that involves Jimenez.”

“An accusation that thelegal representatives of the families of several victims of the killings blamedon the alleged hit squad led by the councilmember of Pedro Brand, Erickson delos Santos, released by Reyes,” charged with heading a group of hired killers.

The outlet says thecase uncovered the scandal within the Judiciary and underscores “who gave theorder to release de los Santos (and other cases) which have not beeninvestigated.”

The cases include Jimenez,along with chief justice Mariano Germán and his son.

Citing prominent attorneyFrancisco Alvarez the outlet says Reyes was in communication with Jimenezthrough Arias, and even got to meet the former justice minister in his officeafter the questioning prompted by her ruling to release more than US$20 millionin frozen assets in the Torre Atiemar case involving Spanish drug traffickerArturo del Tiempo.

David Ruiz, lawyer forthe victims said the investigation against the judges was"steamrolled", “with the express intention of leaving out Jimenez andothers involved.”

Last week Reyes´ lawyerThomas Castro also slammed the Supreme Court during the hearing to appeal thepretrial detention, claiming that she and Arias are being used as"scapegoats."

He said if Reyes´pretrial detention is upheld, it would reveal persecution “at the highestlevels of the judiciary.”

The transcript of Alvarez´stestimony on December 1 was included by the Justice Ministry, which notes that Reyeshad acted on instructions by Arias, German and Jimenez on the Torre Atiemarcase (on which Avarez said the judge was instructed specifically by Jimenez),in addition to the returned aircraft in thecollapsed Peravia Bank case; and on de los Santos´s release, as he had told Reyes.

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