Local February 2, 2016 | 7:58 am

Dominican Republic’s elections campaign kicks off today

Santo Domingo.- The campaign leading to Dominican Republic’sgeneral elections of May 15 officially opens today Tuesday as the candidates tothe presidency and municipal and congressional posts will seek to designstrategies, place ads, stage rallies and employ all their resources during the next101 days.

Last week the Central Electoral Board (JCE) said will formallykick off the campaign at 7pm today with an activity in the capital’s Embajador hotelwith former Mexico president Felipe Calderon, who will lecture on elections anddemocracy.


The JCE has recognized 26 political parties nationwide, onemore than in the last elections in 2012, and several municipal and provincial movements,making them eligible to register nominations for the elections.

The Electoral Law establishes the formal start of theelectoral period with the notification published no later than 90 days prior tothe date on which the ordinary elections are to be held.

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