Local February 17, 2016 | 10:52 am

Dominican Republic asks Egypt to extradite Frenchman in ‘air cocaine’ case

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic justice minister FranciscoDominguez on Wednesday said the extradition of French citizen Christophe Naudinfrom Egypt was formally requested, on charges of helping the escape of twoFrench pilots sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking.

He said there’s enough evidence to convict Naudin, an aviationsecurity specialist, who allegedly orchestrated the escape of pilots Bruno Odosand Pascal Jean Fauret to their country.

Naudin, apprehended by Interpol on an international arrestwarrant obtained by Dominguez, is accused of trafficking in persons, amongother charges, in the case French media dubbed “air cocaine,” from the confiscationof over 700 kilos of cocaine on a Falcon jet.

"The extradition request was officially filed via theDominican Foreign ministry and formally handed over by the Dominican Republic ambassadorin Egypt, Maria Gabriella Bonetti, to the Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt, FaridMounib, who said he would send it today to the Ministry of Iustice of thatcountry as well as the Attorney General, Mr. Nabil Sadek," the Justice Ministrysays in a press release.

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