Local February 17, 2016 | 5:49 pm

Electoral Board suspends the lawmakers’ slush fund

Santo Domingo.- The Central Electoral Board (JCE) on Wednesdaysuspended the allocation of the controversial slush fund known as the barrilito(little barrel) in the Senate and the “little coffer” in the Chamber of Deputiesuntil next June, or after the May 15 generalelections.

In addition to the decision announced after a meeting ofBoard members the JCE also asked the Accounts Chamber to enforce the provisionand issue a on its compliance after the electoral period.

The announcement comes one day after the major oppositionparty (PRM) decried “an excessive display of publicity” during January, despitethat the electoral campaign has yet to be formally opened.

The PRM also requested an investigation by the General Controllerand other government agencies.

As to requests by the minority opposition parties FNP andAl-País for the JCE to proceed against the government’s alleged misuse of taxpayersmoney in the campaign and demand of the fair access to the media, the Board calledany measure on that topic “extemporaneous” because the candidates to elected postshave yet to be registered.

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