Local February 17, 2016 | 11:57 am

Fuels among Dominican Republic’s worst cartels: Think tank

Santo Domingo.- "The worst cartel that we have in thecountry today is the one of fuels," said Regional Center for EconomicSustainable Strategies (CREES) Executive Vice President Ernesto Selman on Tuesday.

"What happens today is that the Government is one whichimports, mainly. The power plants import 10% and suppliers import another 10%.The Government determines the profit margins of market participants, that is,from retailers (which include stations) and truckers," Selman said, interviewedby El Caribe media group.

The economist stressed the need for structural reforms longproposed by the think tank, especially in the economics area.

"The margins are handled on fuel here are two to threetimes those handled in Central America, for one thing. Taxes are two to threetimes those handled in Central America and the price (government set) is 40%higher than the average for Central America," he said.

"We must allow competition to function at the level ofprices and taxes and margins that are reviewed and for suppliers who cancompete, in general," Selman said, adding that prices can specifically determinecompetitiveness among suppliers.

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