Local February 17, 2016 | 7:58 am

Govt. says southwest roads are being fixed, not destroyed

Santo Domingo.- The Energy and Mines Ministry on Tuesdaysaid the reconstruction of roads in Pedernales (southwest) at a cost of US$2.0million, is a commitment by the company DOVEMCO in exchange for extending its operationsin Dominican Republic’s only bauxite mine within an agreed timeframe.

It said the reconstruction of the road at the junction ofthe Pedernales-El Aceitillar-Barahona highway is fully insured, as well as the 700meter span from the mine at Las Mercedes to the entrance of Sierra de BahorucoNational Park.

The agency said any material DOVEMCO extracts from theareas under reconstruction would be paid by the company, “which will representa benefit to the community.”


Mines issued the statement after several community groups accusedit of authorizing the alleged destruction of the Cabo Rojo-El Aceitillar road.

"The reconstruction of the road sections mentioned arepart of the integrated development plan of southern province to be announcedsoon and are works which the private sector assumes by way of agreement. Which isa solution that will benefit Pedernales, which should be seen as anachievement," it said.

It adds that via the agreement, DOVEMCO also maintainaccessibility to the park with an alternate route during the extractions, constructionand reconstruction, until the current path is restored.

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