Local February 22, 2016 | 7:28 am

Dominican Republic’s ruling party in ‘milestone’ pact

Santo Domingo.-Dominican Republic opposition PRD party on Sunday announced Danilo Medina asits presidential candidate for the May 15 general elections, during a rally he called"a milestone" in the country’s democratic history, with two organizationsthat will "govern together" for consolidation and against poverty.

Speaking tohundreds of PRD rank and file in the Olympic center, Medina said although the rulingPLD party and the PRD have had their differences, they agree on the strugglefor democracy and the freedom of the people.

He said theagreement is to govern together, and for a better life for Dominicans startingMay 15.

"I knowmany sacrifices and renunciations have been made to make this meeting possibleand I want to express my admiration and respect for that … thank you for havingme at home," Medina said.

Vargas talks

For his partPRD president Miguel Vargas called the country’s democracy’s stable, but with importantchallenges still ahead. "This agreement raises important structuralreforms. It includes fundamental programmatic issues and participation at themunicipal, congressional and government level."

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