Local February 23, 2016 | 8:07 am

Brazil scandals rock Dominican Republic politics

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina’s campaignheadquarters and Dominican Republic’s politics were rocked Monday with the arrestwarrant issued for renowned Brazilian politicalmarketer Joao Santana, who announced his resignation.

Although the warrant against Santana stems from the corruptioncase in the State-owned oil company Petrobras, Dominican Republic’s governmentfaces even more questions from the arrest of the top executives of thecontractor Odebrecht, including CEO Marcelo Odebrecht,

"Given the circumstances, I ask you to divest myself fromthis Campaign Committee effective immediately in the Dominican Republic," Santanasaid in a letter to the ruling party (PLD) campaign headquarters.

Brazil authorities issued warrants to arrest Santana andhis wife Monica Moura, are part of a corruption probed launched two years agoin Petrobras, with dozens of politicians and some major executives indicted.

Santana had advised presidential campaigns including thelate Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff andformer El Salvador president Mauricio Funes.

In his letter Santana said he was in contact with Brazilianauthorities since last week to clarify any situation, calling his resignation"the best decision, to not in any way affect the interests of the PLD inthis election."

Early Monday Brazilian media reported that Santana and hiswife were in the Dominican Republic.


The PLD campaign committee announced Santana’s resignation asadviser on Monday afternoon

"It’s a case that has to do with a matter only inBrazil, a matter for Brazilians and has nothing to do with the Dominican Republic,"said Medina campaign chief Francisco Javier Garcia.

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