Local February 23, 2016 | 3:46 pm

Key Bronx lawmakers endorse Espaillat for Congress

Bronx, NY.- Prominent Bronx lawmakers; State SenatorGustavo Rivera and Assemblyman Victor Pichardo, endorsed Adriano Espaillat forCongress today near the iconic Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx. Theseendorsements are some of the first by Bronx elected officials. During theevent, Adriano Espaillat pledged to bring a new focus to the Borough andcommitted to opening up a Bronx office on day one.

“I am proud to have the support of two lawmakers I work closely with in Albanyto fight for tenants, improve healthcare and combat income inequality. We allbelieve strongly that lifting up working New Yorkers must be a priority and anew focus must be brought to the Bronx. When I am elected to Congress, I willopen up an office in the Bronx on day one,” said Adriano Espaillat. “I lookforward to continuing to work with Senator Rivera and Assemblyman Pichardo tomake the Bronx a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

"When it comes to fighting for tenant’s rights no one has a stronger trackrecord than Adriano Espaillat," said Senator Gustavo Rivera. "InAlbany, he has shown tremendous leadership and we need his kind of energy inWashington so tenants have a strong voice who will fight to stop displacementand bring more affordable housing to our communities."

“Adriano Espaillat worked tirelessly to ensure that 2.5 million tenants couldremain in their homes by leading the effort in the Senate to extend and expandrent laws,” said Assemblyman Victor Pichardo. “I was proud to join him in thatfight and I am proud to endorse him for Congress. Adriano understands theissues that impact hardworking families, and I know he will fight to make adifference in the lives of my neighbors and help Bronx residents."

These endorsements represent some of the first by electedofficials, in the race for the 13th Congressional district. Espaillat won theBronx in 2014 when he challenged retiring 45-year incumbent Charles Rangel.

The 13th congressional district stretches from Harlem to Inwood in upperManhattan and covers parts of the Bronx.

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