Dominican Association of Health Tourism to host congress in Sept.

Santo Dominto.- The president of the Dominican Associationof Health Tourism, Dr. Alejandro Cambiaso, announced that on September 1through 3, 2016, the 3rd International Congress of Health Tourism and Wellnesswill take place in Hotel Renaissance Jaragua of Santo Domingo, with thecoordination of the agency AF Comunicación Estratégica.
The event will have the participation of the world’s mainauthorities in medical tourism, the diplomatic community, great buyers ofinternational health, executives from local and international hospitals, andalso the financial, health, tourism, transportation, education and investmentsectors.
The agenda is composed of activities, business meetings andpresentations from local and international experts. On September 1 theinaugural event will take place, and will have a ministerial delegation andinternational experts; the conferences regarding international certification,experiences of other countries in the development of health tourism, productiveventures, international insurances, legal aspects and strategies of thepositioning of the destination, will take place. On September 3rd, a privatebreakfast will take place with local and international investors with thesupport of the financial sector in order to consolidate health tourism projectsand retirement tourism in local territory, as well as identifying investors foralready existing projects that require the amplification of their scope andinstalled capacity.
For the 3rd International Congress of Health and Wellnesswe will have international delegations and medical facilitators in the country,in order to present our certified health centers, with the purpose ofconducting business with the local providers which favor the obtaining of massinternational patients.
Likewise, we will promote telemedicine programs, courses,transfer of technology and exchanges of experiences with internationalhospitals, with the purpose of strengthening interconnectivity, continuity ofthe attention and second opinion programs for local and foreign patients.
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AF ComunicaciónEstratégica