Local February 29, 2016 | 7:47 am

Dominican Republic leader would win in first round with 55%: Poll

Santo Domingo.- With just 11 weeks left to the presidentialpolls, president Danilo Medina is poised to win reelection with a double-digitlead over closest rival Luis Abinader.

If elections were held today 55 percent of Dominicans wouldvote for Medina, 34 percent for Abinader and Guillermo Moreno would get 2 percent.

Among those most inclined to vote on May 15, Medina’s leadjumps to 59 percent of likely voters, while 36 percent for Abinader.

But despite Medina’s substantial advantage, the GreenbergQuinlan Rosner Research survey reveals some of the President’s weaknesses, especiallyhis handling of government corruption.

Meanwhile Abinader’s image has improved since last year,and the opposition PRM party’s with it, according to the survey published byoutlet diariolibre.com.

The national survey by the Washington based pollster GreenbergQuinlan Rosner Research interviewed 1,002 Dominican adults from February 12 to18, of which 704 said they were likely voters, or 70 percent of the populationof voting age.

The margin of error for the random sample of 1,002 and 704is plus or minus 3.1 and 3.7 respectively, with a confidence interval of 95percent.

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