Local March 1, 2016 | 8:12 am

One of the most questioned Dominican politicos hops on the gravy train

Santo Domingo.- "Mr. Amable you may go in peace becausetoday you leave the opposition; we will again win the presidency of theRepublic," president Danilo Medina said Monday, adding that he’s headed toa first round victory.

Senator Amable Aristy, one of Dominican Republic’s mostquestioned politicos, headed the rally to announce Medina as presidentialcandidate for his minority PLR party.

Medina said if the May 15 presidential election were heldtoday, he’s sure of a landslide win. "But as the elections are on May 15, letno one feel like a winner, we must seek votes anywhere."

In the activity held at a hotel in Santo Domingo, Medina saidboth the ruling PLD and the PLR parties win with his joint candidacy. "TodayI’m calm because I know my flank is protected by Amable Aristy Castro in theprovince of La Altagracia, the province which had a question mark, but nowbecomes secure."

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