Local March 2, 2016 | 4:19 pm

A mum Medina disavows top minister

Santo Domingo.- Interior and Police minister Jose RamonFadul on Wednesday suffered major embarrassment when president Danilo Medina keptmum when asked to comment on the official’s accusation that opposition PRM partypresidential candidate was "sponsoring" the violentprotest at the restive State University of Santo Domingo (UASD) and of incitingviolence across the country.

When reporters asked about Fadul’s allegation against Luis Abinader at the end ofa ceremony with 29 youngsters in a media training program,Medina kept silent, raised his hand, waved goodbye and headed to his office.

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Despite that Police chief Nelson Peguero had accompanied Fadulwhen he made the allegations in a National Palace press conference just hoursearlier, the Presidency website didn’t post the official picture.

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