Local March 4, 2016 | 9:03 am

Lula’s arrest and the Dominican link

Santo Domingo.-Brazil’s federal police on Friday detained former president Luiz Inacio Lula daSilva for questioning in the Lava Jato (gusher laundering) kickback and moneylaundering scandal.

The case in Brazilis linked to Dominican Republic president Danilo Medina, whose presidential campaignadviser Joao Santana was detained earlier this week on charges of launderingmoney.

Police said there’sevidence Lula received kickbacks from the scheme at state oil conglomeratePetrobras in the form of payments and luxury real estate.

"Ex-presidentLula, besides being party leader, was the one ultimately responsible for thedecision on who would be the directors at Petrobras and was one of the main beneficiariesof these crimes," Brazilian police was quoted as saying by thenewyorktimes,com in a statement.

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