Local March 4, 2016 | 2:55 am

Suspect in ‘air cocaine’ case arrives in the Dominican Republic

French national Christophe Naudin, extradited from Egypt,arrived in the country after midnight Friday, and taken to the Ciudad Nuevacourthouse in the capital of Santo Domingo.

He’s expected to be taken before a National District judgelater today or Saturday.

Naudinarrived Egypt 12:30am at Las Americas Airport on Delta Airlines flight 497 fromEgypt after a stopover in New York City, escorted by Dominican Republic Interpoldirector Braulio Felix and another official .

He wasreceived by France consul Stephan Sobanski and several Dominican officials.

After processingby Immigration sand medical examinations, Naudin left at 1:50am and guarded bymore than seven vehicles on a motorcade traveling at high speed towards thecapital, where he was taken to a cell at the Ciudad Nueva courthouse at 2:12amand will remain there until his arraignment within the next 48 hours.

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