Local March 9, 2016 | 5:27 pm

Big-league player on police payroll…more Dominican Govt. corruption

Santo Domingo.- In what will likely end up as just anothercase of corruption in the Dominican Republic, Seattle Mariners slugger RobinsonCano figures as 1st Lt. of the National Police payroll, but it wasn’timmediately revealed whether the megabucks baseball star cashes the check of themeasly less than RD$11,300 monthly (US$245.60)

Outlet listin.com.do reports that Cano figures among the 198National Police 2nd Lieutenants promoted to 1st Lieutenanton a president Danilo Medina executive order announced on Monday.

Cano’s lucrative 10-year contract with the Mariners in 2013was for US$240 million, or US$24 million annually.

Quoting a source, the outlet adds that Cano doesn’t receivethe salary because he’s an ‘honorary’ member of the force. “The same sourcerevealed that before joining the police Cano was an “assimilated” of the DominicanAir Force.

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