Dominican churches head push to recall gay US envoy

Santo Domingo.- Santiago evangelical representatives on Tuesdayjoined the Dominican Evangelical Unity Council’s (Codue) recent demand todeclare US ambassador James W. Brewster "persona non grata," while arequest for his recall was opened in the White House website yesterday.
They said the diplomatic seeks to promote same sexrelationships, a position also recently voicedby Catholic Church archbishop Victor Masalles.
"Because of that and many humiliations to our homeland,we ask the Government, which is responsible for complying with and enforcing DominicanRepublic’s laws and the Constitution, to expel and declare the US diplomat personanon grata," said Cibao Pastors Federation president, reverend OsvaldoTorres.
Torres said Brewster violates Article 55 of the Constitution,which stipulates that the family is a union between a man and a woman, andnorms of behavior of the ambassadors, according to the Vienna Convention.
Recall petition
Meanwhile a petition seeking 100,000 signatures was opened onthe White House website yesterday to request the diplomat’s removal.
The petition created by “A. F.,” notes that Brewster promotes"an LGBT agenda inconsistent ??with the country’s values." The petitiondrew 5,994 signatures as of Tuesday night