Local March 21, 2016 | 8:15 am

Opposition candidate accuses Govt. of squandering public resources

SantoDomingo.- Major opposition party (PRM) candidate Luis Abinaderaccused President Danilo Medina’s administration of wastingtaxpayers’ money on promoting his reelection project and warned thatthe massive use of state resources in the election campaign is likepushing the country into a fiscal hole of unpredictable consequences.

According to elnuevodiario.com.do, Abinaderurged voters to take into account that Medina’s saturating reelectioncampaign is funded by the taxes they pay for income, food, fuel, telecommunications and professional services, among others.

As a sign of this disproportionate spending, Abinader said the Dominican Presidency daily spent 2 million 247 thousand pesos only in January and February in advertising, a 307 percent increase compared to what was spent in the same period of 2015, when it spent 552 thousand pesos a day.

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