Local April 2, 2016 | 10:23 am

President calls to approve Political Parties Law this year

Santo Domingo.- The controversial issue on the Political Parties Law yesterday took a new twist after President Danilo Medina requested the National Congress to approve the law and the amendment to the Electoral Law after the 15 May elections.

According to Diario Libre, the president said he made the request "so that our country can take that step towards democratic consolidation."

Speaking at a meeting of the Socialist International for Latin America and the Caribbean, chaired by Miguel Vargas, Medina said that the political parties suffer difficulties but they are needed more than ever.

But Jesus Vasquez, on behalf of the opposition Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), considered Medina’s request as a mockery, especially afer the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) modified the original project and broke the consensus.

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