Local April 4, 2016 | 4:14 pm

Dominican Republic invites US Gov. to observe national election

Santo Domingo.- The United StatesEmbassy on Monday announced having received a formal invitation from theCentral Electoral Board, as other diplomatic missions and internationalorganizations accredited in the country, to observe the presidential municipal,and congressional elections on May 15.

It said Washington had traditionallyaccepted invitations from the Dominican government to act as an observer ofelectoral processes in the past, along with other members of the diplomaticcorps in support of electoral transparency.

“A key objective of the foreignpolicy of the United States is to support the holding of free, fair andtransparent elections, both in the Dominican Republic and all other countries,”the US Embassy said in an emailed statement.

“The US government believes thatthe Dominican Republic will demonstrate its commitment to democracy by holdingfree, fair and transparent elections,” it said.

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