Local April 5, 2016 | 9:55 am

Dominican Republic Judiciary is dealt another stunning blow

Santo Domingo.-Dominican Republic’s Judiciary on Monday was dealt yet another stunning blow,as the Supreme Court announced the suspension of a La Romana (east) judge inconnection with a drug trafficking case.

Supreme Court chief justiceMariano German said La Romana judge Aristilda Mercedes Rodríguez has been suspendedas part of the investigation into a plane in which the Venezuelans Carlos Justiniano, Jorge Henríquez, Gregory Frías, Geraldo Díaz and Jean Carlos Díaz were arrestedand charged with smuggling 359 kilos of cocaine.

Rodriguez is the thirdmagistrate to be forced off the bench in as many months, after Awilda ReyesBeltre and Francisco Arias Varela, both being investigated in connection withan alleged ring of hired killers headed by Pedro Brand city councilman Edinsonde los Santos Solis.

German made the announcementaccompanied by the new members of the Supreme Judicial Council, where Ariaspreviously served.

Rodriguez drew nationalattention by releasing the four Venezuelans outright, but the prosecutionappealed and the foreigners were not set free.

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