Local April 7, 2016 | 2:33 pm

Dominican Republic nickel miner indicted on pollution

Santo Domingo.- The San Cristobal province Instruction Courton Thursday ruled for a criminal trial against David Soares, CEO of Falconbridge,the local operation of Americano NickelLimited, and two other executives charged by the Dominican State of violating EnvironmentLaw 64-00 and the inhabitants of Quita Sueño township, San Cristóbal (south).

The court also ruled for the motion by the Environment DefenseOffice of the Prosecutor to also bar the defendants, Dominican executivesGeraldo Trinidad Martinez and Giovanni Emilio Bloise Garcia from leaving thecountry, in addition to Soares.

The defendants are accused of contaminating the area nearthe town of Haina, said a statement from the prosecution.

The Justice Ministry accused the executives of pollutingthe air which poses a threat to Quita Sueño residents, with naphthalene spewed bythree fuel tanks, owned by Falconbridge.

Court papers cited by elcaribe.com.do also show that thetanks are near schools, also being affected by pollution.

The Justice Ministry said it will present documents, depositions,audiovisuals and forensic evidence that will prove the charges against theaccused.

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