Local April 11, 2016 | 4:41 pm

Smuggler of giant cockroaches faces Environment charges

Santo Domingo.- The Environment Ministry on Monday requestedan investigation and charges against Russian naional Igor Rusurusov, accused ofsmuggling 12 giant cockroaches through Punta Cana International Airport, EFEreports.

The cockroaches, six male and six females, of the varietyMadagascar (Gromphadorhina portentous), were seized from Rusurusov when he arrivedat the airport of Bavaro-Punta Cana, eastern Altagracia province.

When they were confiscated, Rusurusov said he broughtcockroaches for a competition, which he didn’t specify.

Agriculture Ministry inspectors seized the insects lastweek, on violation of the Law on Vegetable Health.

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