US to help improve road traffic, reduce deaths(Update)
Santo Domingo.- US ambassador James Brewster on Thursdayvisited Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) director Frener Arias, to discussroad safety, training programs, improved traffic and reducing fatalities, amongother topics.
Bello provided details to Brewster on AMET’s variousmeasures to improve traffic in downtown areas of the National District andreduce fatalities on highways and roads.
For his part Brewster said his government will helpDominican authorities in everything relating to improving road safety andreduce accidents and traffic deaths.
The US envoy was accompanied by US embassy securityofficial Phillippe G. Furstenberg.
Wreck in western province claims 4
Just hours after the meeting, AMET confirmed that fourpeople were killed in a crash between a motorcycle and an SUV on the highwaynear El Higüerito, in western Elias Piña province Wednesday night.