Local April 18, 2016 | 12:00 pm

US envoy skips meeting with foreign colleagues ‘invited’ to polls

Santo Domingo.- The foreignambassadors are currently meeting with the Central Electoral Board’s members tobe apprised on the electoral process and their participation as guests onelection day May 15.

Foreign minister Andrés Navarro participatesin the meeting taking place in the JCE auditorium, where upon arrival eachdiplomat signs a journal confirming their participation.

US envoy James W. Brewster -wholast week stated Washington’s interest in participating with observers- didn’t attendtoday’s meeting and sent a delegation from the US embassy instead.

During the meeting JCE technicianswill demonstrate on the operation of the equipment to be used during thepolling and the vote count as well.

Heading the meeting are JCE presidentRoberto Rosario and members Rosario Graciano, Eddy Olivares, Francisco Felixand Jose Angel Aquino.

On Sunday Rosario announced that theJCE invited all foreign ambassadors to the country as guests during the presentelectoral process.

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