Local June 8, 2016 | 8:55 am

Dominican Republic opposes OAS’ chief on Venezuela row

Santo Domingo.- Foreign minister Andrés Navarro on Tuesday saidthe Dominican Republic opposes the Organization of American States’ (OAS) announcement that it would invoke the Democratic Charter on Venezuela, as proposed by its generalsecretary Luis Almagro, because "an action of this nature is unjustified."

The official called for conciliation instead, to avert aprocess that can lead to Venezuela’s suspension from the bloc.

Navarro noted that Dominican president Danilo Medina urgesa dialogue between the various sectors to strengthen Venezuelan society.

The Dominican Republic "has shown a commitment to pavethe way so such a dialogue can occur in our territory," Navarro said, and reiteratedhis government’s solidarity with the Venezuelan people.

"Venezuela has been a country with much solidaritywith the Dominican Republic in difficult times and which has also ceded itsterritory to facilitate a dialogue. What we need to ensure all countries is tofacilitate dialogue and the conditions for themselves to decide the route theywant to take," Navarro said in a press conference to provide the detailsof the OAS 46th annual General Assembly, to be held in the country June13 to 15.

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