Local June 10, 2016 | 7:43 am

Movement: OAS seeks to impose LGBT agenda and ‘against life’

Santo Domingo.- Representatives of the social movement"Yes, we want sustainability" on Thursday cautioned that the scope ofthe draft declaration "Institutional Strengthening for SustainableDevelopment in the Americas," presented by the OAS mission in the country,aims to "promote, formulate and enact public policies, strategies andproposals to promote human rights of women and gender equality in all spheresof public and private life, as well as mainstreaming gender in publicinstitutions"

For Catholic bishop Victor Masalles it’s the way to openthe doors to an ideological conception "that is harmful to the family canenter as subscribed to by the Dominican Republic."

Reading a statement during a press conference accompanied bymovement members Leslie Torres, Neydy Casillas and Lorenzo Castro, Masalles announcedof a rally at 3pm Sunday 12, in the school Calasanz, on Independencia Av, to voiceits position and “voice the warning about the event.”

The prelate urged the people to look at what’s behind someconcepts that the OAS promotes such as "sexual rights", "genderidentity", "reproductive rights", among others.

The Website http://www.oas.org/legal/spanish/gensec/EXOR1603.pdflink.

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