Local June 13, 2016 | 8:11 am

Catholic, Protestant march against OAS’ declaration

Santo Domingo.- Thousands of Catholic and Protestant activistson Sunday staged a long march pro-life and against the declaration in the Organizationof American States OAS’ unofficial agenda brought for its annual meeting takingplace in the country.

The marchers set off in sweltering heat from the Calasanzschool on Independencia Av., next to the Foreign Ministry, waving postersplacards that read "God created man and woman,", "one’s rightsbegin where the other’s end,", " first human right: life," amongothers.

The marchers stopped in front of the Catalonia Hotel, whichlodges the OAS delegation, including secretary general Luis Almagro.

A group of marchers managed to reach the front of the hotelat the Malecon from Independencia Av. through an adjacent parking lot, butpolice arrived to cordon off the area and kept the crowd under control.

Evangelical Unity (Codue) chairman Fidel Lorenzo said theDominican Republic has its own identity.

"Today the largest countries in the world that dictatethe order of civilization are wagering on converting a woman’s uterus into themost dangerous place for a baby," the prelate said.

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