Local June 23, 2016 | 4:11 pm

Dominicanos USA registers over 100,000 voters in New York

New York [CapitalWirePR].– With several contestedcongressional primaries fast approaching, Dominicanos USA (DUSA), a non-profitorganization established to empower, educate, and mobilize Dominican-Americanspolitically, announced today that they have registered an unprecedented 100,000voters over the last two years.

“To be able to reach this milestone achievement just provesthe incredible political power that exists within the Dominican-Americancommunity. We’re so proud to be able to demonstrate that” said DUSA BoardChairman and spokesperson Manny Matos. “The real test of our work will begetting our community out to vote next Tuesday and letting the world know thatDominican-Americans are a political force to be reckoned with.”

“In just two short years, Dominicanos USA has made tremendousstrides in empowering voters throughout New York City. We have all benefittedfrom their remarkable passion, dedication and hard work,” said Onida CowardMayers, director of voter assistance at the New York City Campaign Board. “Onbehalf of everyone working on the NYC Votes campaign, I want to congratulateDominicanos for their success in engaging 100,000 voters.”

DUSA has deployed an aggressive grassroots voterregistration effort in the streets of New York City, and despite historicallylow voter engagement in the community, each week the organization registersmore than a thousand new voters. The results from this Dominican-American Voterregistration drive are consistent with larger trends of the so-called “RisingAmerican Electorate”, with 58% of people registered being woman and 43%Millennials between the ages of 18 and 29.

While celebrating the success of this campaign, DUSA alsorecognizes that this is only the beginning for this non-partisan effort. “OnJune 28th, New Yorkers will cast a ballot for congress that will shape theircommunity, and the Dominican-American community wants to be part of thatprocess. DUSA’s mission is to ensure that they are afforded that opportunity”said DUSA State Director Eddie Cuesta.

DUSA kicked-off a historic Get out the Vote campaign onJune 13, 2016 out of their South Bronx office. The organization has a team ofmostly high school and college age canvassers knocking on doors and phonebanking voters, delivering Election Day information. "I really enjoy thework we do because so many people have told me that without the information weprovide they wouldn’t even know how to vote, even though they really wantedto" said DUSA phone canvasser Sonia Santana. By Election Day June 28, DUSAanticipates their GOTV campaign will make over 120,000 outreach attempts to NewYork voters between door to door, phone, and direct mail components.

DUSA is leading the way for a community that has long beenneglected politically, and understands their civic responsibility and theconnection they have to make for Dominican-Americans when it comes to voting.Beyond the Dominican-American community, this effort is part of an importantlarger conversation about voting and the need for it throughout Latinocommunities. By the general election, 1.88 million Latinos will eligible tovote in New York, with 391,000 being Dominican-Americans. This number will continueto grow at a rapid rate with the Dominican-American population expected tobecome the largest Latino group in New York City.

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