Local June 27, 2016 | 11:15 am

Peravia bank RD$2.0B fraud defendants face 20 years in jail

Santo Domingo.- The National District Office of theProsecutor on Saturday listed 20 defendants indicted in the case of the embezzlementcase in the failed Peravia bank, who face up to 20 years in prison.

the investigation carried out over of more than 18 months ledto the indictment of more than 1,000 pages, which says the accused conspired tocommit felonies and launder money from criminal activities.

The document also lists hundreds of pieces of evidenceincluding those provided from the 24 civil cases and from government agencies.

The bankers are also charged with breach of trust, fraud,forgery, identity theft and money laundering, while authorities have seized hundredsof real estate and other properties including vehicles and an aircraft, amongothers, owned by the Peravia bank, which were in the hands of executives.

The National District Office of the Prosecutor filed thecase file at the office of the National District Instruction Courts coordinatingjudge Jose Alejandro Vargas.

We confirm the information by sharing a tweet that said:"FDN filed charges against the criminal network that committed fraud ofmore than two billion pesos jeopardizing Peravia bank depositors," NationalDistrict prosecutor Yeni Berenice Reynoso tweeted Sunday.

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