Dominican Republic Catholic Church, US Embassy gay row rages on
Santo Domingo.- Santiago archbishop emeritus Ramon Benitode la Rosa y Carpio on Thursday responded to request for apologies by BobSatawake, husband of the US ambassador, for alleged insults against the local LGBTcommunity, noting that it’s his country which should apologize to humanity andthe Dominican people for the damage it has inflicted.
The senior prelate’s statement fuels the months-long flap betweenUS envoy and gay activist James W. Brewster and he Dominican Catholic Church,whose sharpest responses have come from outspoken cardinal, Nicolas de Jesus LopezRodriguez.
De la Rosa also clarified that what Pope Francis said, onthe issues and sufferings of the gay and lesbian community, was that "whowas he to judge a homosexual (for their preference and inclination to thatcondition), but has never said that homosexuality is a holy activity."
He said Satawake took the Pope’s statements out of context."He apparently did not completely read the statements of the SupremePontiff."
De la Rosa invited Satawake to read the full response ofPope Francisco when it comes to the gay community, "and not distort theirstatements context taking them as he did."
He said when Pope Francis refers to asking for the gaycommunity’s forgiveness, "he was not saying that homosexuality is holy andthat other things are also, as Mr. Satawake wants to argue."
"We would also like for the US embassy to ask forgivenessof the Dominican people for their intolerance, for trying to impose their cultureand the invasions they have made to the Dominican Republic," de la Rosasaid, quoted by Listin Diario.
In a tweet in English and attached with a photo of PopeFrancis, Satawake told Lopez Rodriguez, Vatican envoy Jude Thaddeus Okolo and SantoDomingo auxiliary bishop Victor Masalles that his doors are open to accepttheir apology.