Local July 2, 2016 | 8:58 am

PLD must return to the foundations of its origins: founder

Santo Domingo.- The founder and member of the Political Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Euclides Gutierrez Felix, said the organization must return to the foundations of professor Juan Bosch, based on the formation of its members, the ethical and moral principles and the knowledge of Dominican society.

Gutierrez warned that the Dominican people would never forgive the PLD leaders to let the party disappear from the political scene because some enemies from outside pursue to turn the party into an organism without discipline and diametrically different from Bosch’s principles.

During the Colloquium "Juan Bosch, Thought and Militancy," in celebration of the late president’s 107th birth anniversary, Gutierrez reminded that Bosch conceived and founded the party as an instrument of struggle to achieve social gains for the benefit of the majority of Dominicans.

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