Dominican Republic lauds America’s ‘great democracy’

Washington. – Dominican ambassador to the US Jose TomasPerez on Monday praised America’s “great democracy” and stressed the privilegeof "living in a state of respect for freedoms and rights."
He also lauded the climate of "respect forinstitutions and laws" in US territory.
“We congratulate the American people for the celebration of240 anniversary of its independence,” Perez said in a Dominican Embassy tweet tocongratulate the US for its 240th anniversary of Independence.
"Praise to the great men who were able to visualize sofar in advance, the virtues of living in an atmosphere of democracy and under astate of freedom, law and respect for laws and institutions."
On July 4, 1776, the US celebrates 240 years since it declaredIndependence from the British Empire.
Americans by the thousands travel each year to different partsof the country to be with family, for the barbecues and fireworks which have nowbecome a tradition, which is also shared by the millions of Hispanics in the US.