Local July 5, 2016 | 2:37 pm

1,000+ ‘name only’ NGOs get billions of Dominican taxpayers’ money

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Anticorruption Alliance (Adocco) coordinatorJulio Cesar De la Rosa on Tuesday said more than 1,000 NGOs which manage billionsof pesos of taxpayers’ money do so without transparency and “operate in nameonly.”

He said they reported several cases of grants for NGOswhich didn’t comply with rendering of accounts and recommended their exclusionfrom next year’s budget. "It’s reason to suspect why a government agency (GeneralBudget Office) rewards those who manage funds without proper transparency.”

De la Rosa said Adocco supports the the Economy Ministry’s recommendationto suspend the transfers of funds as a precaution, “because they presentoperational irregularities; the measure is suggested until the governmentadopts a decision.”

As many as 88 NGOs allegedly commit operationalirregularities, including the Vocational Technical Education Foundation (FUNTECVO),which received RD$1.54 million; New Millennium Youth Foundation D. N. RD$1.44million; Baní’s San Luis Gonzaga Studies Center, and the Society of Youngsters,with RD$1.0 million each.

De la Rosa stressed that there are more organizations whichdon’t file a financial statement as required by law. “Many of them operate inname only, sharing the address and residence of their handler.

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