Local July 7, 2016 | 8:21 am

Dominican Republic might host Venezuela Govt.-opposition talks

Caracas.- President Nicolas Maduro announced Wednesday thatDominican Republic has offered to host talks between Venezuela’s government andthe opposition, and called on his adversaries to immediately start a dialogueto defuse his country’s complex crisis.

Maduro said Dominican Republic president Danilo Medina offeredhis country for "exploratory talks."

Since May former presidents Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero ofSpain, Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic, and Martin Torrijos ofPanama, promote a dialogue in Venezuela with the support of the South American Unionof Nations, but have failed to progress thus far.

In a phone call connected to loudspeakers in a pro-governmentrally in the capital, Maduro said it was agreed to continue the"exploratory talks" in the Dominican Republic and invited theopposition to "step forward, rectify and immediately sit and dialogue."

In response to Maduro, coalition executive secretary oppositionJesus Torrealba said the central problem of the process isn’t the location, but"what is the agenda of the dialogue and what is the purpose of thedialogue."

Source: eldia.com.do

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