Local July 8, 2016 | 9:40 am

Outgoing councilmembers’ push for juicy pension irks the media

Santo Domingo.- National District councilman Cesar Cabrera’srevelation that he and his colleagues CityCouncil will vote to obtain pensions as high as RD$80,000 per month drew immediaterebuke by the media in a country whose minimum wage is RD$6,000.

He said the resolution to be submitted to a vote next week doesn’tviolate the law.

The official said the City Council doesnot have a pensionplan, but could be done is established with state funds.

It emerged in recent days that before the transition on August16 council members of the various parties seek pensions from RD$70,000 toRD$80,000, which is likely unlawful.

Cabrera said the proposal would be presented to eachcouncil member at next Wednesday’s session.

"The public can rest assured that the Council will notviolate the law, is not there’s no base in fact to all that’s being said. Manypeople are speaking without knowledge of the facts, without stopping to readwhat the law says, we’re going to enforce what law 379 says," said Cabrera,of the minority PRD party, of the pro-government bloc headed by the ruling PLD.

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