Local July 8, 2016 | 4:27 pm

Traffic cops crackdown against scofflaws

Santo Doming.- Amid complaints, excuses and allegations ofabuse of power against motorists, the Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) Fridaymorning started a crackdown against scofflaws at Greater Santo Domingo’s main tollplazas.

AMET director Frener Bello said the measure seeks to createawareness that motorists shouldn’t drive a vehicle without a license plate orwith the sticker expired.

He said the traffic cops will be “creating awareness everyday” in the various intersections of the city.

Bello said Amet will be levying “educational fines” againstdrivers that block intersections marked with hash lines during the next twoweeks, but after will have to pay summonses and their vehicles will be retained.

Local media report that by noon Friday, traffic cops had impounded42 autos and 85 motorcycles during the operation.


Dozens of motorists complained of mistreatment by Amet,calling traffic cops “intransigent and inconsiderate.”

Quoted by diariolibre.com, Juan Minaya, who was driving a rentedvehicle without tags, said when detained he asked the officer to give him 10minutes to send for provisional license plate, because he was hauling fresh meatthat must be refrigerated. The officers refused and the car was impounded.

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