Local July 12, 2016 | 2:54 pm

Haitians get one more year to complete residency

Santo Domingo.- The government will give the mostly Haitianforeigners one more year to complete their documents and obtain a residencycards, and whose temporary visa permits will start to expire from July 17 toDecember.

Interior and Police Minister Ramon Ramon Fadul made the announcementTuesday and said the Immigration Agency’s proposal was presented to presidentDanilo Medina, who agreed to the extension.

"With this plan continues and we are providingstability to all those people, from which we’ve collected their fingerprints,name, address and it’s most feasible right now," the official said.

He said the measure saves the government an additionalexpense while continuing to regularize foreigners, mostly of Haitiannationality. He said more information will be provided through announcements inthe media.

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